Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tooth in your Eye: Cure for Blindness

Blind man has sight restored by having tooth implanted in his eye - Telegraph UK

When we do have a crisis, it seems like the end of the world only for a few minutes.

Every day there is an egg to catch. But my one great hope is that my daughter will always trust me enough to throw it — and that in her growing heart she will see the world as a place where more eggs are caught than broken.

Raising a Princess Single-Handedly - New York Times

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Best Chinese Restaurant Name Ever

This is why online translators need to be improved.

Tweenbots of the City

These little bots sure know how to make a human act human.

How to Defend Your Ride 101

Monty Oum's Dead Fantasy I & II

Why is it that a fan can make a fight scene better than the original creators?

It's good for the skin

Soccer Fan Can't Eat Ice Cream

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Death Wish: Pixar's Up


Pixar grants girl's dying wish to see 'Up' - OC Register

Toothpick San Francisco

Toothpick San Francisco

Toothpick sculpture re-imagines S.F. - San Francisco Chronicle

911 Call of Michael Jackson

Seems like the 911 dispatcher has about zero sense of urgency.

Long live the king.

Brooke Greenberg - The Fountain of Youth

Doctors Baffled: Girl, 16, Has Body of a Toddler, Still Can't Speak - FOX News

Solution to Racist by Morgan Freeman